Researchers & Faculty
Tomoya Miyasaka
Department / Course
Hokkaido University of Science Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Physical Therapy
Book and thesis
Advances in Therapeutic Engineering CRC PRESS,Taylor and Francis Group (Co-authored) 2012/12
Physiological effects of combined breathing and physical training in middle-aged and older adults J. Phys. Ther. Sci 37 (1),pp.6-11 (Co-authored) 2025/01
Effects of Changes in Subject and Ambient Surface Temperatures on Discriminating between Normal and Falling Postures Using a Thermal Imaging Sensor International Journal of New Technology and Research 10 (9),pp.8-13 (Co-authored) 2024/09
Kinematic characteristics of canine hindlimb movement during sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit motions Research in Veterinary Science 162 (140944),pp.1-5 (Co-authored) 2023/06/30
Functional assessment of the gluteus medius, cranial part of the biceps femoris, and vastus lateralis in Beagle dogs based on a novel gait phase classification The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 83 (1),pp.116-124 (Co-authored) 2021/01
The Effects Of Trunk Sensory Stimulation Training On Standing Balance Performance In The Elderly International Journal of New Technology and Research 7 (1),pp.1-7 (Co-authored) 2021/01
Development of a Support System for Voice Outputs and Character Recordings in Communication via the “Mouth-shape Character” Method International Journal of New Technology and Research (Co-authored) 2019/11
Development of a Three - Dimensional Magnifying Visual Information Display System to Support the Daily Activities of the Visually Impaired International Journal of New Technology and Research (Co-authored) 2019/11
Use of Thermal Sensors for Fall Detection in a Simulated Toilet Environment International Journal of New Technology and Research (Co-authored) 2019/11
Development of an Evacuation Device that Enables Persons in Wheelchairs to Descend Stairs International Journal of New Technology and Research (Co-authored) 2019/10
Comparison of Simple Communication Aids between Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patients and Caregivers International Journal of New Technology and Research (Co-authored) 2019/09
Study of Evacuation Techniques in the Event of a Night Fire at a Dementia Group Home - Method of Transferring Evacuees from Their Beds to the Floor International Journal of New Technology and Research (Co-authored) 2019/08
Development of electronic transparent communication boards using two tablets International Journal of New Technology and Research (IJNTR) (Co-authored) 2019/01
The Physiological Effects of Combined Training with Breathing Resistance and Sustained Physical Exertion in Healthy Young Adults Journal of Novel Physiotherapies (Co-authored) 2018/01
A Preliminary Study of the Assessment of Visual Space Recognition in Stroke Patients using New Head Mounted Display (HMD) System with Visual Image Transformation. International Journal of New Technology and Research (IJNTR) (Co-authored) 2017/09
Cardiorespiratory response during combined training with breathing resistance and sustained physical exertion:a pilot study Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Research 2 (2),pp.1-5 (Co-authored) 2017/03
Assessment of visual space recognition of patients with unilateral spatial neglect and visual field defects using a headmounted display system Journal of Physical Therapy Science (Co-authored) 2016/02
Development of Alert System Using Visual and Auditory Stimuli to Assist Patients with Cognitive Impairment During Wheelchair Operation J. Med. Biol. Eng (Co-authored) 2015/09
Age-related changes in dynamic postural control ability in the presence of sensory perturbation J. Med. Biol. Eng (Co-authored) 2015/02
Dynamic postural adjustments instance in response to translational perturbation in the presence of visual and somatosensory disturbance J. Med. Biol. Eng (Co-authored) 2014/08
Change in the Mechanical Energy of the Body Center of Mass in Hemiplegic Gaitafter Continuous Use of a Plantar Flexion Resistive Ankle-foot Orthosis Journal of Physical Therapy Science (Co-authored) 2013/11
Effects of Combined Training with Breathing Resistance and Sustained Physical Exertionto Improve Endurance Capacity and Respiratory Muscle Function in Healthy Young Adults J.Phys. Ther. Sci. (Co-authored) 2013/06
A Study of Upper Extremity Training for Patients with Stroke Using a Virtual Environment System J. Phys. Ther. Sci. (Co-authored) 2013/05
Effect of Load Change on Foot Arch in Different Positions - Assessment of Foot Arch using a Motion Analysis System and a Caliper - Goniometer System - J.Phys.Ther.Sci. (Co-authored) 2012/07
Factors Influencing the Outcome of Acute Rehabilitation: Functional Independence Measure Assessment at Discharge J.Phys.Ther.Sci. (Co-authored) 2012/07
A Preliminary Study of Static and Dynamic Standing Balance and Risk od Falling in an Independent Elderly Population with a Paticular Focus on the Limit of Stability Test J. Phys. Ther. Sci 23,pp.803-806 (Co-authored) 2011/10
Strain on the repaired supraspinatus tendon during manual traction and translational glide mobilization on the glenohumeral joint: A cadaveric biomechanics study Manual Therapy 12 (3),pp.231-239 (Co-authored) 2007/03