Researchers & Faculty
Kohei Togami
Department / Course
Hokkaido University of Science Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Department of Pharmacy
Associate Professor
Academic conference presentation
Efficient delivery to fibrotic regions of liposomes modified with fibroblasts and collagen targeting for treatment in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (CRS 2019 Annual Meeting)
Multiscale live-imaging using F?rster resonance energy transfer to evaluate the distribution of nanoparticles for drug delivery (CRS 2019 Annual Meeting)
Multi-scale imaging using F?rster resonance energy transfer for evaluating drug carrier distribution (AAPS 2018 PHARMSCI 360)
Influence of extracellular matrix in fibrotic lesions on the distribution of aerosolized drugs (Drug Discovery and Therapy World Congress 2017)
Altered intrapulmonary pharmacokinetics of aerosolized drugs due to the disruption of the alveolar epithelial barrier in animals with bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis (2015 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition)
Intrapulmonary pharmacokinetics of aerosolized drugs in animals with bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis (19th North American Regional ISSX Meeting and 29th JSSX Annual Meeting (San Francisco))
Surface modified immuno-liposomes as carriers for drug delivery to macrophage in arteriosclerosis lesion (Drug discovery and therapy World Congress 2014)
Efficacy of arrosolized PEGylated liposomes as carriers for drug delivery to alveolar epithelial lining fluid (Drug Dsicovery and Therapy World Congress 2013)
Distribution characteristics of macrolide and ketolide antibiotics used for the therapy of respiratory infections in lung epithelial lining fluid and alveolar macrophages, (International Symposium of Past, Present and Future of Molecular Pharmacokinetics Integration of Basic Science, Drug Development and Regulation)
Intrapulmonary distribution mechanisms of macrolide and ketolide antibiotics for the treatment of respiratory infections (8th Retrometabolism Based Drug Design and Targeting Conference)
Distribution mechanisms of macrolide antibiotics in lung epithelial lining fluid and alveolar macrophages for the therapy of respiratory infections (3rd Indo-Japanese international joint symposium on overcoming interactive diseases prevalent in Asian countries)
Distribution mechanisms of macrolide antibiotics in lung epithelial lining fluid and alveolar macrophages for the therapy of respiratory infections (2010 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition)
Distribution mechanisms of macrolide antibiotics in lung epithelial lining fluid and alveolar macrophages for the therapy of respiratory infections (2009 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition)
Pharmacokinetical analysis of telithromycin in lung for safe therapy of respiratory infections (World congress of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences 2008 68th International congress of FIP)
Efficacy of pulmonary administration of telithromycin for the treatment of respiratory infection (First Indo-Japanese International Joint Symposium on Overcoming Intractable Infection Diseases Prevalent in Asian Countries)
Pharmacokinetics of telithromycin in lung surface and alveolar macrophages (2007 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition)
Pulmonary administration system of ciprofloxacin incorporated into liposomes for treatment of respiratory intracellular parasite infection (First Indo-Japanese International Joint Symposium on Overcoming Intractable Infection Diseases Prevalent in Asian Countries)
Pulmonary administration system of antibiotics incorporated into liposomes (34th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the Controlled Release Society)
Pulmonary administration system of antibiotics incorporated into liposomes for treatment of respiratory intracellular parasite infections (1st Asian Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Symposium)